Christmas time! Need I say more? This is definitley my favorite time of the year even more than my birthday. You give and you receive! But keep in mind its not all about the receiving, although it is nice, it's not what the Holiday is about. God blessed this earth whith Jesus during this special holiday. And we celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Thank God for sending us his Son who eventually died on the Cross for our sins. Now those who have accepted Jesus Christ into their Hearts are set free of all iniquities. We are promised a new life in him. That my friends is the greatest Gift anyone can receive. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and are SICK AND TIRED of being SICK AND TIRED then guess what, I have great news for you. You are just a Prayer away from eternal salvation and a new life in him. Give God a try and he will never let you down. If you want to accept Jesus into your life just say this simple prayer:
Lord, I come to you with an open heart and an open mind and I ask for your forgiveness of my sins. I know you are the author of life and I believe that you died on the cross for my sins. I ask you today to come into my heart and direct my path from here on out. I cant do it on my own so I am turning to you for guidance and direction. I will live my life from this day forward with a clean slate and a new positive outlook on life. Thank you for never giving up on me. I love you and I praise you. In the name of Jesus AMEN.
If you truley meant that prayer with all of your heart and you are wanting to change then I encourage you to look for a good church near you and get fed the word of God. Bond with people in the church as those are going to be the people who will lift you up when you are down. They will pray with you and be there every step of the way. I suggest if you are young or a teen that you look for a church with a good Youth ministry. If you are a college student and young adult I suggest you find a church that has people your age who can relate to the things you are going through and who you can mesh with. If you prayed that prayer I would love to hear from you. Leave me a comment even as simple as I prayed the prayer. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Pray that your new life in Christ is filled with Joy, Happiness, Health and Wealth. Thank you for taking the time to read my post. GOD BLESS
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