WOOHOO! I am so excited that I won the Hello Kitty Gift Pack on STYLEMOM.COM Holiday Countdown giveaway day # 2. I have never won anything online in these contests and just recently got really into entering. I log in to STYLEMOM.com Monday - Friday. I love to browse through their site. I am so grateful to have won this package for my daughter. She loves Hello Kitty and is going to ADORE this gift package. Well my daughter knows theirs no Santa Clause but she knows that our blessings come from GOD. So she will know GOD sent her this package and had favor over her. I am so excited to share this news during this very special holiday. I love Christmas. It is my favorite time of year! Thank you to STYLEMOM.COM for choosing me as one of the day 2 winners. The other prize was a Thomas the train gift package. And since I have a daughter, Hello Kitty was purrfect. ;) I encourage you if you are a mother to go check out STYLEMOM.COM website. And even if you are not a mother but plan on being one either soon or in the future i encourage you to check it out too. GOD BLESS.